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Transfer Navigator
First Generation
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Agustín GarcíaGarcíaAgustínHe/Him/His/HimselfTransfer NavigatorEmail: agustin@txstate.eduGeneración STEM512.408.3988
Agustín is a first-generation student and TXST alum. He has served TXST students as a Student Development Specialist and an Academic Advisor. Currently, he pursuing a Ph.D. in Postsecondary Student Success.
Director, Transfer InitiativesTransfer Center512.245.7361
Dr. Carolyn ChangChangCarolynShe/Her/Hers/HerselfGrant Director, Generación STEM and Proyecto ExcelenciaEmail: carolyn.chang@txstate.edu
The Transfer Center is an initiative of the Generación STEM, Title III DHSI grant.
River HudginsHudginsRiverThey/Them/Theirs/ThemselvesTransfer NavigatorEmail: riverh@txstate.eduProyecto Excelencia
Nicholas E WeimerWeimerNicholasAsst Vice Provost, Exp & AcadInitiativesEmail: new22@txstate.eduTHH 149(512) 245-3943